Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fracking Not Fully Understood

Editor’s Note:  The National Baseball Hall of Fame joined its Clark brethren Wednesday, March 23, in opposing fracking.  This is the statement.

As a member of the Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce, the National Baseball Hall of Fame supports the chamber’s recent resolution that hydrofracking for shale gas in Otsego County could cause serious damage to the qualities that make Cooperstown a world-renowned tourist destination and a unique community.
The Hall of Fame is an internationally renowned tourist destination whose brand is fully synonymous with Cooperstown.
 As an American treasure, and the cornerstone to this region since 1939, the Hall  and county would undoubtedly suffer repercussions in the event of problems from hydrofracking – or even the perception thereof.
The natural beauty and quality of life are the essence of Cooperstown.  Tourists, who view Cooperstown as a pristine and pastoral escape, would unquestionably consider other destinations unspoiled by the harmful ecological impact of hydrofracking.
A significant drop in visitorship could severely impact the Hall of Fame on many fronts, from day-to-day operations to staffing levels, while also leading to a significant decrease in tourism-related revenue for the village, county and state.
Like the Chamber of Commerce and virtually every other area business, the Hall concludes that hydrofracking could present an unacceptable risk to the local environment, the economy and the quality of life for both local residents and tourists.
As such, we believe that much more complete research and an understanding of the long-term impact of gas exploration and extraction is needed.

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